AISP Professional Development Awards
Thank you from the ASA On the 15th of May, the Australian Security Academy attended the AISP’s professional association meeting …
Thank you from the ASA On the 15th of May, the Australian Security Academy attended the AISP’s professional association meeting …
We discuss how to stay impartial when our brains are actually trying to get us to have an ‘us versus’ them’ mentality! It’s our job to stay impartial.
Over the weekend the Australian Security Academy attended an interesting panel discussion held by Oliver Laurence of OJT Investigations Group
Loss adjusters investigate insurance claims arising out of losses such as fires, car accidents and burglaries, commercial property, fire, flood ..
People who go missing voluntarily do so for a reason. So do people who fake their own disappearance which is …
Insurers are expected to promptly assess all of the claims that are made and to pay out all claims that …
Qualification: PSP40416 – Certificate IV in Government Investigations Financial crime is an ongoing risk to any department or agency that …
Australia’s leading employment vacancy resource for Investigators, Regulators & Compliance Personelle. The Australian Security Academy is your key to establishing your …
Do a Fast Track Course and put your hand up about it. You got the interview. You have a chance to impress your future employer with evidence of your skills and knowledge
When I network or go to parties, I don’t need an elevator pitch to capture peoples attention, all I have to say is “I’m a Private Investigator”
So you have your Private Investigator License and you have some experience conducting investigations. Now you want to start your own Investigation Agency to take on the big players and secure your future.
Mike Evans explains how a Licensed Private Investigator can become a qualified and regulator approved Licensed Private Investigator Instructor in Victoria Australia.
Certificate IV in Government Investigation. Don’t be fooled, this is a serious qualification which demands a high level of training and learning.
Two issues that have arisen in the Investigation Industry this week. A PI Badge, has offended a client in Queensland.
These three investigations are staples, but currently are in huge demand. If you have the skills and training or experience you should be conducting these investigations.
Mike Evans of the Australian Security Academy explains the circumstances of when and where you would need to be licensed as a Private Investigator in more than one State in Australia.
Every week we get people calling up, wanting to start in their journey as a Private Investigator, and they manage to get here to our website and become confused!
Most people, when they think of Private Investigators, think of the reality tv show ‘Cheaters’ or good old Magnum PI. While there is work available for people who would like to take up a career investigating infidelity, you will not learn about that from the Australian Security Academy.
Nationally Recognised Qualifications are legal documents, thus any claim for a replacement is subject to thorough checking.
Some arsonists are not financially adept enough to survive until the next downturn and they have to burn their own vehicles even before then, so there is also work for the investigator in between!
With initial involvement from seven leading industry professionals a new paradigm has shifted into the industry through mutual trust, focused aims and beneficial outcomes for students of the Academy
Getting a job and climbing the ladder in any industry takes time, perseverance, knowledge and tact. Here we tackle the investigation employment cop out issues and turn them into positives for you!
So be confident, present well, demonstrate acquired skills, be positive and willing to learn, and you will excel!
Today Plaintiff Investigators are highly trained, undertake continuous learning, attend seminars, entertain Workers Compensation and Public Liability Lawyers frequently, and get results.
If you are a graduate or current student of the Academy you are welcome to join this group. Over 82 members joined in the week this group was launched.
The market for investigation exists. Your task is to attract a sufficient share of the market by making yourself available to those with a need for your service and an ability to pay for you for that service.
Mike Evans is helpful, considers you as a person serious about career growth and will connect and create investigation opportunities you do not know exist yet.