Mission Statement
Our mission: Deliver affordable, accessible, relevant and content rich, contemporary investigation, security risk management, and government fraud control professional development on demand, to individuals, government and corporations globally. If you want to know “How to become a Private Investigator or How to become a licensed Inquiry Agent, Private Investigator, Government Investigator or Qualified Loss Adjuster”, we can help you.
Thank you for choosing to undertake your studies with the Australian Security Academy Pty Ltd, a Nationally Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with information that will be useful to you as a student member of our RTO and the focus of this Student Handbook is on matters specific to the RTO and its business.
The Australian Security Academy Pty Ltd is an exciting and progressive training provider in Australia. Our programs provide students with the knowledge and essential skills for many popular career choices in industry today. As a student of the Australian Security Academy Pty Ltd you will immerse yourself in an accelerated learning experience. Our trainers will engage your mind with continual learning and growth. Our team is here to support you, guide you and reward you, making your learning experience challenging and fun.
We trust that you have a rewarding and enjoyable experience with the Australian Security Academy Pty Ltd.
Michael Evans
Our Obligation as your RTO
As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) registered with Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), we have an obligation to ensure the quality of the nationally recognised training and assessment we deliver. We must comply at all times with the Standards for RTOs 2015 which are part of the VET Quality Framework. To ensure compliance we have developed comprehensive internal policies, procedures and systems that guide our compliant operations and we must participate in audits with ASQA upon their request. In addition, we must ensure that any third parties that we work with who have any involvement in your training and assessment comply as well.
As the RTO we have the responsibility to issue your Australian Qualification or Statement of Attainment certification documents in line with the AQF (Australian qualification Framework) requirements and our issuance policy as outlined in this handbook.
If at any time you feel we have not met our obligations as an RTO, you have the right to make a complaint following our Complaints and Appeals Policy outlined further on in this Handbook.
Our Contact Details
Your primary contacts include:
Michael Evans (CEO/ Trainer/ Assessor), Casey Pyne (Operations Manager), Patrick Flynn (Trainer/Assessor).
Australian Security Academy P/L
RTO Provider Number: 30547
P O Box 742
Sanctuary Cove Qld 4212
Phone: 1800 236 455
Email: Mike Evans [email protected]
Studying Through Australian Security Academy P/L
Registered Training Organisations are providers registered with ASQA or a State Regulator to deliver nationally recognised training and qualifications. Nationally recognised qualifications are valued by many employers and are a strong asset to persons wanting to advance their careers.
As a student studying with our RTO you are expected to act responsibly at all times. You, as a learner, have to ensure that you meet any timelines and requirements as set out by your Trainer/Assessor.
The Australian Security Academy P/L specialises in the delivery of public and client training delivery for the Investigations and Security Industries. These programs are offered through an online platform for learning which supports and encourages self-paced delivery and assessment processes.
Occasionally we offer face to face delivery for some of the components of our courses to provide the opportunity for students to engage with subject matter experts and industry connection through workshops and lectures. In Victoria, the face to face delivery of some courses is compulsory. Students benefit from face to face contact even when studying online and these workshops and lectures provide a forum to gain broader industry opinion and current insights into industry specific issues.
To find out about our workshops and face to face training delivery activities, have a look at our website as these events are published on it regularly.
Courses Provided by the Australian Security Academy
The Australian Security Academy provides a range of courses which can be found on our website: Each course outline provides information on:
- Course code and title
- Duration as an approximation, as most of our programs are conducted online and are self paced.
- Brief summary of the course, including who the course is aimed at and possible employment outcomes and study pathways.
- Any relevant entry requirements
- Who the target group is and what the likely job outcomes might be for a successful graduate.
Should you need any additional information, please contact our office and one of our team will assist with any enquiries that you have.
Third Party Arrangements
A third party arrangement occurs when the RTO enters a contract with someone or another organisation to do training delivery and/or assessment for them. As an RTO we do not have any third party arrangements for our course deliveries so you will only interact with the Australian Security Academy P/L directly.
The Australian Security Academy Pty Ltd is committed to access and equity in the provision of training and related services and accordingly to improving people’s chances of getting into and succeeding in vocational education, training and employment. As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) the Australian Security Academy Pty Ltd accepts the challenge of ensuring that training and related opportunities extend to all members of our diverse community.
Our academy complies with all Commonwealth and State legislation and regulatory requirements applicable to the training industry, including but not limited to:
- National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
- Work Health and Safety Act 2011
- Anti Discrimination Act 1991
- Copyright Act 1968
- Privacy Act 1988
- Anti Discrimination Act 1991
Access and Equity
The Australian Security Academy Pty Ltd personnel are aware and committed to the principles of access and equity. Access and equity issues are addressed during staff induction and during staff meetings and professional development activities.
The Australian Security Academy Pty Ltd endeavours to eliminate, so far as is possible, discrimination against persons and promotes recognition and acceptance within the community of the equality of men and women and all races and of all persons regardless of their religious or political convictions or their impairments or ages.
STUDENT enrolments, fees and Refund processes
The Australian Security Academy P/L accepts enrolments from all students who meet the entry requirements published in the course information. Enrolments are accepted on a first come, first served basis but if a course is full, you will be offered a place in a course starting at a later date.
It is in your best interest to send an enquiry through our website and one of our team will be in touch to discuss what you are trying to achieve through your enrolment and to discuss the course requirements with you. When you have gained all the information that you need, you can enroll through our website. To gain entry to a course you must complete the Enrolment Form.
If you are applying for a course that has entry requirements you will also need to provide the necessary evidence (as indicated on the Course Outline) such as verified copies of qualifications, CV or other evidence.
If you are applying for Credit you should indicate this on your enrolment and supply certified copies of your transcripts so we can assess your application for Credit. See the section on Credits in this Handbook below.
Once you have completed your enrolment form and gathered any necessary accompanying evidence, one of our team will be in touch.
As part of the entry requirements you may be required to attend an interview or participate in a phone interview as part of an application process. This process sis conducted to ensure that you are going to be able to meet the course requirements that you are enrolling in and that the outcomes of the course that you have chosen will provide you with qualifications to meet your future career aspirations. Details of the interview will be provided at this stage.
Upon approval of your enrolment, you will be sent further information about the next steps, payment arrangements and how you can get started in your course. The course fees will need to be paid to be accepted into a course and to commence your training. Access to course information will not be granted until course fees are paid.
For individual students enrolling, there are different options for paying course fees which you can select from including a full upfront payment and staged payment plans. Information on these payment arrangements are on our website and can be discussed with The Australian security Academy prior to you making any payments. Corporate and organisational payments will be invoiced according to the process required by the organisation.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
Since 1 January 2015 all persons undertaking nationally recognised training need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) that you have to apply for.
A Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a reference number made up of 10 numbers and letters that creates a lifetime record for an individual of all the nationally recognized training that has been completed. Under the Unique Student Identifiers Act 2014, all RTOs must ensure they have a valid USI for any student that enrolls in nationally recognised training from 2015. This means (unless you have an exemption issued by the USI registrar) that as a student you must provide us with your USI. We are unable to issue a Qualification or a Statement of Attainment unless we have a valid USI or a notice of exemption from the registrar.
For information about exemptions for individuals please review this webpage: https://www.usi.gov.au/training-organisations/training-organisation-requirements/exemptions-individuals/how-apply
If you already have a USI, we will need to be provided with your USI number on enrolment.
Creating a USI is free and needs to be created online. To create your USI, please visit: http://www.usi.gov.au/Students/Pages/default.aspx
Once you have created your USI you will be able to:
- View and update your personal details in your USI
- Give permission to your RTO to view and/or update your USI account and access your transcript of results
- Control access to your transcript
- View online and download your training records and results which can be added to any job applications and enrolments in any further enrollments in further training
NOTE: When creating your USI make sure the personal details entered match exactly with those on your form of ID because the USI will be linked to your name as it appears on the form of ID that you use to create your USI.
To create your USI you will need to have at least one or preferably two forms of ID ready from the example list below (these are not limited and more can be found on the website):
- Drivers licence
- Medicare card
- Australian Passport
- Australian birth certificate
- Citizenship Certificate
- International students may submit different documents that are required.
If you have difficulty with these forms of ID please contact the Australian Security Academy for assistance.
Fees, Charges and Refunds
Fees and Refunds Policy
Corporate/Organisational Payments and Contracts
Corporate payments and refunds for group deliveries or a number of persons within an organisation are stated within a contract and will be adhered to by both parties.
Individual Student Payments (not negotiated through Corporate/Organisational Contract)
All fees and charges are to be paid ‘upfront’ and prior to access to learning and assessment materials.
All fees are published on our website in the information on each course with payment options included.
All course fees for individual students as fee-for-service course delivery and assessment include a non-refundable deposit of $500. This fee is an administration fee and as such will be retained by the RTO after the cooling off period has expired.
Payment plans are available to ease the financial burden on individual students who are paying their own fees and details on this are published on our website. If the published plans need to be adjusted for your individual situation, please discuss this with the Australian Security Academy for a solution.
Cooling Off Period
A full refund of any fees paid (not including the deposit) will apply where a student withdraws or cancels their course in writing within the cooling off period. The cooling off period is 3 days and applies from the date of first enrolment or sign-up.
Non Payment of Fees
The Australian Security Academy reserves the option to cancel any enrolment for nonpayment of fees due by the due date or course commencement.
Withdrawal or Enrolment Cancellation after Course Commencement
Fees must be paid prior to a student commencing a course either as a full payment or as a part payment for the course on a payment plan. If a student is paying on a payment plan then the Australian Security Academy P/L reserves the right to limit access to course materials to the number of units that the paid fee covers.
In the event that a student has pre-paid course fees and changes their mind about continuing with the course they are enrolled in, the fees paid may be transferred to another course at the discretion of the CEO who will make a decision on a case by case basis concerning any transfers.
If the full course fee has been paid and a student chooses to cancel their enrolment between 14 and 25 days a fee of 50% of the course fee will be retained by the RTO. If the student cancels their enrolment after 25 days no refund is payable.
It stands to reason that there will be no refund on courses once a course has been completed.
Course Changes for Face to Face Delivery
The Australian Security Academy P/L reserves the right to provide a full refund or transfer of any fees paid will apply if Australian Security Academy P/L is required to cancel a course before it commences due to insufficient numbers or for other unforeseen circumstances.
Additional Fees and Charges (if required)
Australian Security Academy P/L has the following of additional charges. You can find these details in the written agreement that will be signed at the commencement of your course.

There are 2 different processes that can be used to recognise your current skills and abiliites agains the units and qualifications that you have enrolled in. These processes are called Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning. Each process is different.
One of the principles and standards of the National Training Framework is that RTO’s are required to recognise AQF qualifications and/or Statements of Attainment issued by any other RTO in Australia. This is called Credit.
If you have completed qualifications or partial qualifications with another RTO and believe that you are eligible for credit in the course that you are enrolling in with the Australian Security Academy P/L you need to make the Academy aware of your previous academic record so that you can obtain credit in your current course enrolment. This may mean that there are units that you do not have to be re-assessed in and this will shorten your study timeframe for course completion.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process where skills and knowledge that you have gained through work and life experience and other unrecognised training can be formally recognised. This process will be used to judge whether you have already achieved unit/s outcomes through current life experience and you may be issued a unit/s as a Statement of Attainment without having to study or be assessed against the relevant units.
Australian Security Academy P/L has a process that has been structured to minimise the time and cost to applicants and provides a supportive approach to students wishing to take up this option. You should ideally apply for RPL at the time of enrolment but you may also apply up to 2 weeks into your course.
If you think RPL is a suitable option for you, the first step is to contact your trainer/assessor or our office and have a conversation about whether or not RPL might be suitable for you. Suitability is often determined on how much experience you have in a certain area, your work history and previous training. If RPL is determined as a possibility for you, you will be provided with a kit that will guide you in working through each unit to determine relevant skills and experience and identify whether you would be able to provide the required evidence.
A trainer/assessor will be available to assist you throughout this process.
To apply for RPL, you will need to fill in a part of the kit and return it with an RPL Application Form. Your application will then be assessed for suitability and you will then be contacted by an assessor to progress the RPL process.
From here, usually the RPL process involves gathering evidence to demonstrate skills, knowledge and experience, responding to questions, completing tasks and depending on the area, observation of your work skills in your workplace.
Fees are applicable for Recognition of Prior Learning and you will be advised of these fees upon contacting us. For more information about submitting an application for RPL, contact our office.
Course locations
If you are attending a course which is being delivered in a training room or at a Conference Venue, you will be advised of the venue information prior to course commencement.
Course induction for courses delivered at a training location
At the start of your course will be provided with an induction. The induction will provide you with specific details about your course requirements, important dates and will be an opportunity to meet your trainer and the other students in your course.
The induction will also provide you with important information about health and safety requirements including emergency evacuation procedures and incident reporting (see section in this handbook on health and safety), as well as a range of other important matters relating to your rights and responsibilities as a student.
The induction also provides an opportunity for you to ask any questions you might have about studying with us. During this induction, we also make sure that we have all the required forms and paperwork filled in.
At your induction you will receive your first set of learning materials so that you can start on your learning journey.
General housekeeping arrangements are also discussed as stated in the section below.
Student code of conduct
All students are expected to abide by the Student Code of Conduct during their course and involvement with Australian Security Academy P/L. Where students do not abide by the conduct, disciplinary action may be taken in line with Australian Security Academy P/L’s Training and Assessment Policy and Procedures.
Students’ rights
All students have the right to:
- Be treated fairly and with respect by all students and staff.
- Learn in a supportive environment which is free from harassment, discrimination and victimisation.
- Learn in a healthy and safe environment where the risks to personal health and safety are minimised.
- Have their personal details and records kept private and secure according to our Privacy Policy.
- Access the information Australian Security Academy P/L holds about them.
- Have their complaints and appeals dealt with fairly, promptly, confidentially and without retribution.
- Make appeals about procedural and assessment decisions.
- Receive training, assessment and support services that meet their individual needs.
- Be given clear and accurate information about their course, training and assessment arrangements and their progress.
- Access the support they need to effectively participate in their training program.
- Provide feedback to Australian Security Academy P/L on the client services, training, assessment and support services they receive.
- Be informed of any changes to agreed services, and how it affects them as soon as practicable.
Student’s responsibilities
All students, throughout their training and involvement with Australian Security Academy P/L, are expected to:
- Treat all people with fairness and respect and not do anything that could offend, embarrass or threaten others.
- Not harass, victimise, discriminate against or disrupt others.
- Treat all others and their property with respect.
- Respect the opinions and backgrounds of others.
- Follow all safety policies and procedures as directed by staff.
- Report any perceived safety risks as they become known.
- Not bring into any premises being used for training purposes, any articles or items that may threaten the safety of self or others.
- Notify us if any of their personal or contact details change.
- Provide relevant and accurate information to Australian Security Academy P/L in a timely manner.
- Approach their course with due personal commitment and integrity.
- Complete all assessment tasks, learning activities and assignments honestly and without plagiarism or infringing on copyright laws.
- Hand in all assessment tasks, assignments and other evidence of their work with a completed and signed cover sheet or submit assessments online as required.
- Make regular contact with their Trainer/Assessor.
- Prepare appropriately for all assessment tasks, visits and training sessions, as applicable.
- Notify Australian Security Academy P/L if any difficulties arise as part of their involvement in the program.
- In the case of training session delivery for up-front courses, notify Australian Security Academy P/Lif they are unable to attend a training session for any reason at least 12 hours prior to the commencement of the activity.
- Make payments for their training within agreed timeframes, where relevant.
Course expectations and requirements
The training and assessment offered by Australian Security Academy P/L focuses on providing you with knowledge and skills required to the standard of performance required in the workplace. This is known as competency based training and assessment. Each of the components of your course is a “unit of competency”. You may either be studying one or a few units of competency or a set of units that make up a total qualification. Each unit of competency is linked to specific skills and knowledge required in the workplace.
Some of our courses are delivered in clusters. This means groups of similar units have been packaged together and to avoid repetition. You will receive training and assessment for all units in a cluster at the same time.
Our course outlines include the details of how we deliver the training to you as well as the assessment methods that will be used to assess whether you have reached the required standard of performance. Generally our courses are conducted online however some may be offered as a combination of classes, workplace component, homework and online learning.
Assessment methods vary from course to course but usually include written questions, scenarios, case studies, and written assignments.
Attendance for Class Based Courses
If you are enrolled in a class-based course, it is an expectation that you attend every class so as to not fall behind. Please notify your trainer at least 30 minutes prior to class if you are unable to attend for some reason.
There will also be an expectation that you complete a certain amount of homework each week in order to finish learning and assessment tasks required for completion of your course. Your trainer will guide you on what to do during this time and how much is expected. This is also outlined on the Course Outline.
Online Course Delivery
Most of our courses are conducted online to allow you to complete study at your own pace and fit it into your lifestyle. Learning is conducted through reading content and doing personal research and then you may attempt assessment on completion of or at any time throughout each unit delivery and submit this for marking.
Each qualification indicates a nominal time for completion however as an adult learner you will be in control of your own scheduling for learning and assessment activities.
There is a nominal expectation that a typical course completion timeframe for courses in our scope of registration is approximately 2 years de3pending on previous experience and your current work role.
ChatGPT and other AI Program Guidelines
Please refrain from using CHATGPT for any of your assessments. The Australian Security Academy does utilise AI detection tools and there will be disciplinary action if it is detected. We encourage you to:
Develop your own ideas and thoughts: Assignments are designed to help you develop your critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills which is essential for investigations. We encourage you to use your own ideas and perspectives, rather than relying on a computer program to generate answers.
Maintain academic honesty: We take academic integrity seriously and expect you to do the same. Using ChatGPT to generate answers is considered academic dishonesty and can result in disciplinary action.
Use available resources: We offer resources and other academic support services to help you develop your writing and research skills. We encourage you to use these resources to help you with your assignments instead of resorting to using ChatGPT.
Understand the expectations and consequences: It is important that you clearly understand the expectations for assignments and the consequences for academic dishonesty. Using ChatGPT to generate answers will result in a failing grade or other disciplinary action.
Ask questions: If you are unsure about the assignment or the expectations, please ask your instructor for clarification. It is better to ask for help than to risk using ChatGPT and facing disciplinary action.
Overall, we want you to succeed in your assignments by developing your own ideas and skills. By maintaining academic honesty and using available resources, you can succeed in your courses without resorting to using ChatGPT.
Assessment arrangements
All assessments are conducted online through the LMS.
At the beginning of each unit or cluster, the LMS details the assessment instructions for each task/requirement which includes the criteria that you’ll be assessed against.
Submitting your assessments
Written work will be marked within 30 days of receipt of lodgement online. Your assessor will provide you with written feedback and confirm the outcome of the task.
Assessment outcomes
Each assessment task will be given an outcome of either Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS). You must complete all tasks for a unit satisfactorily to achieve an overall outcome of Competent (C) for a unit. If one or more of your tasks are assessed as Not Satisfactory, you will be given an overall outcome for the unit of Not Yet Competent (NYC). You can have 2 further attempts to complete the task and achieve a Satisfactory outcome. You will be given a timeframe for your resubmission and advised what you must include in your re-submission.
If, after the third attempt, you are still assessed as Not Satisfactory for a task, you will need to complete additional training and assessment to support you in achieving a Competent outcome. This may incur an additional fee for self-funded students as identified in the fees and charges information.
Reasonable adjustment in assessment
Some students may need modifications to assessments due to disability, illness or special considerations – this is called reasonable adjustment.
Reasonable adjustment can involve:
- Making training and assessment resources and methods more accessible e.g. providing learner workbooks in an audio format or on different coloured paper.
- Adapting physical facilities, environment and/or equipment e.g. setting up hearing loops.
- Making changes to the assessment arrangements e.g. more time allowed for assessments.
- Making changes to the way evidence for assessment is gathered e.g. written questions asked orally
Please speak to your assessor if you think that you may need an adjustment made. Note these adjustments are made at the discretion of your assessor based on your identified needs.
Appealing assessment decisions
If you do not agree with any assessment decision, you can lodge an assessment appeal. Please refer to the Complaints and Appeals section in this handbook for information about how to lodge an appeal.
Student plagiarism, cheating and collusion
Australian Security Academy P/L has a no tolerance policy for plagiarism, cheating and collusion. Students are expected to act with integrity at all times and only submit work that is their own or that has been appropriately referenced and includes acknowledgements of all resource materials used in the preparing the work.
When you submit your assessments, you will be required to sign a declaration that the work provided is your own and that you have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
If you are found to have plagiarized, cheated or colluded, you will be given an opportunity to respond to the allegations. If you are found to have plagiarized, cheated or colluded, we will be required to take disciplinary action which is likely to require you to complete the assessment again.
Support services (If Required)
The Australian Security Academy P/L has a primary training delivery scope in Investigations and Security. To complete these qualifications, entrants to the courses need to have a strong reading, writing and maths comprehension. If you self-identify as needing assistance in this area then you need to make us aware of your special needs.
For entry into some of our qualifications you must already be employed in order to access and complete the assessment evidence requirements in the units. If you are already employed we will assume that you do not need special support.
If you believe you have any special needs, please let us know during your enrolment process. We will do our best to provide you with additional support during your learning journey and assist you to source external services if required.
We are committed to ensuring that you get all the support you need to be successful in your studies. You may not have studied for a while and or you might need help with study skills. You may also need assistance with skills such as reading, writing and maths.
The enrolment form you complete will help us to identify any support you need and depending on the course you are enrolling in, you may also be required to complete a test that assesses your language, literacy and numeracy skills. Based on the information you provide in your enrolment and/or the results of your language, literacy and numeracy test, we will contact you to discuss your support needs.
Your support needs can also be discussed during the induction to your course.
Services that we can offer to you include:
- One to one support from our trainers/assessors including providing you with their phone and email contact details
- Classes to assist with study skills.
- Referral to relevant external services.
- Specialist support services for students with a disability.
External Support Services
For students requiring additional support with their studies, work or life, Australian Security Academy P/L provides the following referrals to community organisations who may be able to assist you. Please note that some of these services may attract a fee which is payable by you.
Telephone: 131021
Website: www.centrelink.gov.au
If you are completing a full time course you may be eligible for benefits through Centrelink. Centrelink can also provide access to other services.
Australian Apprenticeship Centres (AAC)
Telephone: 1800 639 629
Website: http://australianapprenticeships.gov.au
Australian Apprenticeship Centres handle all matters related to traineeships and apprenticeships. If you are a trainee or apprentice, some language, literacy and numeracy courses attract government subsidies. Talk to your AAC about this now.
The Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission
Telephone: (03) 9281 7100
Website: http://www.equalopportunitycommission.vic.gov.au/home.asp
The Commission can resolve individual complaints about discrimination, sexual harassment and racial and religious vilification by offering a conciliation process that is confidential, impartial, free, and simple.
Legal Aid Victoria
Telephone: 1800 677 402
Website: http://www.legalaid.vic.gov.au
Victoria Legal Aid helps people with their legal problems and focuses on helping and protecting the rights of socially and economically disadvantaged Victorians. It can provide assistance in the areas criminal law, family law and some civil law matters. Legal representation is subject to policy guidelines and means tests in most cases. They have lawyers in offices in most major metropolitan and country regions.
Disability Rights Victoria
Telephone: 1800 462 480
Disability Rights Victoria is an advocacy organisation directed by people with a disability. They work with and on behalf of adults with a disability. They provide individual advocacy, information and support to people with a disability via our network of advocates located across Victoria. This support may include making representation on behalf of individuals with a disability, helping individuals to advocate for themselves or helping others to advocate for them.
Telephone: 13 11 14
Anyone can call Lifeline. The 13 11 14 service offers a counselling service that respects everyone’s right to be heard, understood and cared for. They also provide information about other support services that are available in communities around Australia. If you feel that you might need telephone counselling, you can call about anything that might be troubling you.
Fair Work Australia
Telephone: 1300 799 675
Website: www.fwa.gov.au/index.cfm
Fair Work Australia is the national workplace relations tribunal. It is an independent body with power to carry out a range of functions relating to minimum wages, employment conditions, termination of employment and other workplace matters.
Reach Out
Website: www.reachout.com.au
Reach Out is a web-based service that inspires young people to help themselves through tough times, and find ways to boost their own mental health and wellbeing. Their aim is to improve young people’s mental health and wellbeing by building skills and providing information, support and referrals in ways they know work for young people.
Specialised services can assist you to succeed in your training and complete your qualifications. Typical services available are (but are not limited to):
Language, Literacy and Numeracy
Reading and Writing Hotline 1300655506 www.literaceyline.edu.au
Queensland Council for Adult Literacy 07 38789944 www.qcal.org.au
Australian Council for Adult Literacy 03 95466892 www.acal.edu.au
There are a number of private providers and TAFE colleges that can also assist in your local area.
Your feedback
Your feedback is important to us and assists in ensuring that our services meet your needs. We use feedback from students and employers to contribute to our continuous improvement processes so we are always striving to do better.
All students and employers will be provided with a Quality Indicator Survey issued by the National Centre for Vocational Education and Research (NCVER) that they are required to complete. Please help us by completing the surveys that are provided to you by your trainer/assessor. Some may also be mailed or emailed to you from our office.
We also welcome feedback from you at any time by email and phone.
Access to your records
You may access or obtain a copy of the records that Australian Security Academy P/L holds about you at any time. This includes personal information and records of participation and progress.
If you want to access or obtain a copy of records, you must make a request in writing to the Operations Manager. The Operations Manager may provide you with a form for completion and submission called the Access to Records Request Form outlining which records you wish to access. There is no charge to access your records however there may be a cost for photocopying.
Access to records may be provided by:
- making copies of the records held in a file
- providing a time for you to review your file
- providing access to the online portal where some records about the course can be viewed.
Amendment to records
If a student considers the information that Australian Security Academy P/L holds about them to be incorrect, incomplete, out of date or misleading, they can request that the information be amended.
Where a record is found to be inaccurate, a correction will be made. Where a student requests that a record be amended because it is inaccurate but the record is found to be accurate, the details of the request for amendment will be noted on the record.
Notifying you if things change
As an RTO under the VET Quality Framework, we must notify you promptly if there are any changes to our RTO, the course, or the arrangements for training and assessment.
This would include if there were any changes of ownership, and any new third party arrangements or changes to third party arrangements that relate to your enrolment, or if we were unable to provide the services you agreed to in your Student Agreement because we are no longer able to deliver the course you have enrolled in, or no longer operating as an RTO.
If this occurs, Australian Security Academy P/L will devise a strategy to minimise impact on you and notify you of the changes and how you will be affected as soon as practicable.
Depending on the type of change, we may send a letter to your home address; send you an email, or an SMS message. Please make sure we always have your most current home address, email address and mobile number on file so we can notify you of any changes if applicable.
You can let us know of any changes to your details by using the Change of Details Form or by emailing us.
The student and Legislation
As a student, you have both rights and responsibilities under applicable legislation.
Workplace Health and Safety
Under the Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011, Australian Security Academy P/L must provide a safe environment for both staff and students, as well as providing information to staff and students in relation to health and safety and welfare. Australian Security Academy P/L has policies and procedures in place to ensure your safety and on commencement of your course you will provided with information about health and safety.
As a student you also have a responsibility to follow instructions and rules and to behave in ways that are safe and do not endanger the health and safety of others. Always ensure that you:
- Immediately report hazards to your trainer/assessor.
- Seek assistance from a member of staff if you become ill or injured on campus.
- Only assist another person who is ill or injured if it is safe to do so. If you’re not sure, call on a member of staff for assistance.
- Complete an incident report as required.
- Ensure you are familiar with Australian Security Academy P/L emergency evacuation procedures and in the case of an emergency, follow the instructions given to you.
- Do not leave bags or personal belongings lying around where someone else could trip over them.
- Do not smoke or drink alcohol on the premises.
- Observe basic hygiene practices such as hand washing before handling and eating food and leaving toilets and wash basins clean and tidy.
Harassment, victimisation or bullying
Australian Security Academy P/L is committed to providing all people with an environment free from all forms of harassment, victimisation and bullying. Australian Security Academy P/L will not tolerate any behaviour that harms, intimidates, threatens, victimises, offends, degrades or humiliates another person.
Anti-discrimination law defines harassment as any form of behaviour that you do not want, that offends, humiliates or intimidates you and that creates a hostile environment. Examples of harassment are making fun of someone, spreading rumours, offensive jokes, ignoring someone, etc.
Victimisation is where a person is treated unfairly because they have made a discrimination complaint.
Bullying is verbal, physical, social or psychological abuse by a staff member or student. Bullying falls under health and safety legislation.
If you at any time feel that you are being harassed, victimised or bullied by a staff member or student, you should follow these steps.
If you feel that you are being harassed, victimised or bullied, ideally you should tell the person that you don’t like the behaviour and ask them to stop. However, if you are not comfortable doing this, you should lodge a complaint as per Australian Security Academy P/L Complaints and Appeals procedure and detailed in this Handbook.
Equal opportunity
The principles and practices adopted by Australian Security Academy P/L aim to ensure, that current and prospective students, clients and other stakeholders are treated fairly and equitably in their dealings with Australian Security Academy P/L.
All people will be treated courteously and expeditiously throughout the process of enquiry, selection and enrolment and throughout their participation in a course.
Australian Security Academy P/L provides equity in access to the level of training and support required by each student. All students are supported in a manner that enables them to achieve their full potential and success in their training outcomes. All students are provided with opportunities to develop and successfully gain skills, knowledge and experience through education and training.
National VET Regulator Act 2011
As a student in Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) sector, you should expect high-quality training in your area of interest, leading to a qualification that improves your prospects of gaining the job you want or provides a pathway to further study.
As a Registered Training Organisation registered with the Australian Skills Quality Authority, we are required to comply with the National VET Regulator Act 2011. This involves meeting a series of Standards that ensure that the training and assessment and support services are provided to you in accordance with nationally mandated standards.
Student Identifiers Act 2014
Under this Act, we are required to ensure that all students have a USI. We are unable to issue a qualification of a statement of attainment for any student if we don’t have a USI on file.
If you’re studying nationally recognised training in Australia from 1 January 2015, you will be required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). Your USI links to an online account that contains all your training records and results (transcript) that you have completed from 1 January 2015 onwards. Your results from 2015 will be available in your USI account in 2016.
For students and training organisations, the main benefits of the USI are:
- Students will be able to get a complete record of their Australian-wide VET achievements from a single, secure and accurate online source.
- There will be immediate access to VET records. This means they can be quickly given to employers, other training organisations etc as proof of VET achievements.
- It will be easier for training organisations to assess students’ pre-requisites, credit transfers and Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
For more information about the USI please refer to http://www.usi.gov.au/About/Pages/default.aspx
Privacy Policy
In collecting your personal information Australian Security Academy P/L will comply with the requirements set out in the Privacy Act 1988, the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2001 and the relevant state privacy legislation.
This means that we will:
- Inform you of the purpose for which the information is collected.
- Only use the personal information that you provide to us in relation to your study with us.
- Ensure your personal information is securely handled and stored.
- We will inform you of any organisation and the type of organisation to which we disclose personal information e.g. the Australian Government or the National Centre for Vocational Education Research, as well as the purpose of disclosing this information e.g. for statistical purposes..
- We will not disclose your personal information to another person or organisation unless:
- We have made you aware that information of that kind is usually passed to that person or organisation.
- You have given written consent;
- We believe that the disclosure is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to your life or health or that of another person;
- The disclosure is required or authorised by or under law; or
- The disclosure is reasonably necessary for the enforcement of the criminal law or of a law imposing a pecuniary penalty, or for the protection of the public revenue.
Complaints and Appeals
A Flowchart is provided on the following page to describe our complaints and appeals process.
A complaint may be made about anything that occurs that you believe is unjust and needs to be brought to the attention of the CEO. Complaints are generally made about behaviours or a flaw in policy, procedure or process.
An appeal is usually made as a response to an assessment decision that you do not agree with and want to challenge the decision that has been made by raising your concerns for review of an existing outcome or result.
If you need additional information, please contact our office for assistance.

Issuing of Qualifications and Statements of Attainment
On completion of your course and payment of all relevant fees, we will issue you with a qualification (testamur/certificate) and record of results within thirty (30) days. The record of results will show the units of competency achieved in the course and corresponding results.
Where a student withdraws or partially completes a course, a Statement of Attainment will be issued within thirty (30) days of withdrawal as long as all relevant fees have been paid. A record of results will only be provided with a statement of attainment where requested.
Australian Security Academy P/L reserves the right to with-hold the issuance of qualifications and Statements of Attainment until all fees related to the course or qualification have been paid, except where Australian Security Academy P/L is not permitted to do so by law.
Australian Security Academy P/L must have a valid USI on file for the student for a qualification or Statement to be issued.
Re-Issuing Statements and Qualifications
Records of qualifications and unit achievement are kept on record for a period of at least thirty (30) years. Students can request copies of any of these statements or qualifications at any time for an additional charge. Refer to our Fees and Charges section for the current fee.
Security Risks and Computer Viruses
Anyone accessing our website and learning management system must accept responsibility of all risks associated with the use of the World Wide Web, which operates across insecure, public networks.
Accessing the WWW may put your computer, software or data being damaged by any virus, disabling codes or other defects or devices. Connections transmitted to and from this site could be intercepted and modified by a third person. Please ensure you have the required anti-virus and firewalls required for your operating system.
Third Party Websites
The website may contain links and pointers to other websites operated by third parties. Third party links and pointers are included solely for your convenience and learning experience. Links to third party websites do not constitute endorsement, sponsorship or approval by the Australian Security Academy Pty Ltd of the content, policies or practices of those third party websites.
The Australian Security Academy Pty Ltd has no control over the content of material published by cross referenced third party sites that may be contained in these resources. It is the responsibility of the internet user to make their own decision as to the relevancy, accuracy, currency and reliability of information found on those sites. You agree that by accessing any third party linked website you do so at entirely at your own risk.
The Australian Security Academy Pty Ltd makes no guarantee of the products and services promoted via linked websites.
The Australian Security Academy Pty Ltd makes every effort to ensure the learning management system is accessible for students to access their learning material. From time to time system maintenance may inhibit the student from logging in for a period of time. We will make every effort to advise students of scheduled maintenance. In the event of a disconnection of internet services beyond our control, the Australian Security Academy Pty Ltd cannot be held liable.
Intellectual Property
Intellectual property is property from original thought and is protected by law in Australia. The Australian Security Academy, students and staff members own all IP which they generate unless they enter into an agreement to assign their property to someone or an organisation.
The Australian Security Academy has IP which includes:
- Confidential information
- Computer equipment and software and related applications
- Databases, computer software, course materials and related learning and assessment materials
- Copyright in materials and other documents and resources
Students, staff, visitors and contractors must keep all confidential information and IP belonging to the Australian Security Academy in a protected and secure manner unless disclosure is required by law.